- CARE - Computation of Administrative Risks and Estimates
- COMPARE - COMPutation of Actuarial Risks and Estimates (including high-speed general solvency II models)
- SimxonCARE - Maintenance forecasting and mechanics
Computational decision support.
Numerical forecasting - modelling, estimation and parameter studies
- Actuarial microdata based forecasting
- Maintenance models for machinery
- Computational finance and health care statistics
- Computational mechanics
- Mathematical models
- High performance computing and software development
- Consulting based on computational analysis
General and precise tools for forcasting and analysis

Consulting and Computing
Consulting, computation and software development in the following areas
- Independent testing of actuarial quantities
- Test reports
- Life-insurance calculations, specifications and development
- Parameter identification and estimation
- Socioeconomic forecasting
- Maintenance models for machinery, damage evolution, failure and fatigue
- Model evaluation
- Aspects of finance
- High-performance computing
- Compute architecture
- Computational and mathematical software development
- Periodic boundary value problems and mechanics
- Machine learning and AI
- Mathematica
- Discount supercomputing
- Business decision support
- Business cases based on quantitative analysis
- Project management